Turn your marketing expense into a new profit center! Our typical client has established marketing budgets that are tied to their sales or gross profits. This is a safe and smart strategy to maintain the status quo or slowly grow.

Have you experienced the new sales manager who talked you into doubling your marketing dollars with the expectations of rapidly increasing your sales? Sometimes it works. Sometimes it does not. Why take the risk? Hedge your bets with HP.

HP suggests maintaining a conservative approach while gradually developing a smart internal lead generation system that pays you to advertise. Contact us to get started!

Profit from HP Innovations. HP has proven strategies. The TV Car Loans program is simple, works great, and has no risk other than the one time $1,500 cost to produce your high quality television commercial and lead-gen website.

First, your commercial airs on your cable network while HP takes care of all the techno mumbo-jumbo such as search engine optimization and social network deployment. Meanwhile, the leads roll in and you are selling!

How is this different? Well, step two, HP has partnered with name brand companies so you actually earn income from your lead generation. While every customer is directed to your store, they also receive offers for products you don't sell such as auto insurance.

Step Three: HP gets a small monthly fee for managing the entire process so your income from product partners exceeds the cost of your television campaign. You get fresh leads and earn an income!

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All Rights Reserved | www.HPAutoFund.com | 2885 Sanford Avenue SW 16420 Grandville, MI 49418